Vegetable foods rich in calcium

Although we always link calcium with dairy products, the truth is that we can also get it from some vegetables, and in similar amounts, which is why they are ideal for intolerant and vegan.

When we say the word "calcium", we automatically think of a glass of milk or yoghurt. However, many plant foods provide even greater amounts of this nutrient than dairy products. In this article, we tell you which plant foods are rich in calcium!

The importance of calcium for health

Calcium is a very important mineral for healthy, strong bones and teeth. Also so that the muscles can move and that the nerves have the ability to send messages through the brain and to different parts of the body.

Low calcium intake can cause many diseases and problems, such as osteoporosis, obesity and heart attacks.

In addition to dairy products, there are other sources of this nutrient that we should not ignore.

It is a common mistake to think that ingesting milk, yogurt or butter will give the body all the calcium it needs.

In addition, some of the products that include dairy products (such as desserts or pastries) are not at all healthy and contain sugar and fat. Therefore, we must add other foods that provide it naturally.

Foods that provide calcium of plant origin

It is fundamental to demolish myths about the contribution of calcium to dairy products; they are not the only foods to provide them.

Indeed, there are others that have more percentage of nutrients than milk. This is definitely great news for lactose intolerant or vegans.

Vegetable foods rich in calcium are:

1. Spinach

It is one of the vegetables that has the most calcium. If we eat 100 g of raw spinach , they will give us 210 mg of nutrients. Once boiled, the amount is reduced to 158 mg.

It is necessary to keep in mind that this green leafy vegetable has oxalates, which can prevent the assimilation of several minerals.

2. Dried fruits

These foods of plant origin are very rich in calcium and can be consumed in different ways. For example, like milk, in desserts, raw, roasted, etc.

Dry fruits reduce osteoporosis, prevent bone fragility and promote good growth. Therefore, they are recommended at any stage of life.

Those who contribute the most calcium are:

  • Almonds (240 mg per 100 g)
  • Nuts (170 mg per 100 g)
  • Hazelnuts (140 mg)
  • Pistachios (110 mg)

3. Soy

It is the legume that provides the most calcium. It is close to the intake of cow's milk if consumed in the same conditions.

In addition, soy has a soflavone called daidzein that prevents bone decalcification and prevents this nutrient from being eliminated through the urine.

With 100 grams of soy cooked without salt, we will get 102 mg of calcium.

Tofu is a derivative of soy and is used as a meat substitute. It has very few calories and fats, but enough calcium, so it is advisable in vegetarian diets.

4. Kale

Another vegetable with a high calcium intake: 150 mg per 100 grams. Since it does not contain oxalates like spinach, it does not reduce the body's ability to absorb this nutrient. It is recommended to consume it raw.

5. The orange

In addition to being known for the amount of vitamin C that prevents colds in the winter, orange can provide us with enough calcium (60 mg per unit).

If we consume a glass of natural juice every morning, we can get up to 300 mg. Ideal to start the day with all the nutrients we need!

6. White beans

These legumes are also recommended to avoid problems with bones and teeth. With 100 grams of green beans, we will get 70 mg of calcium.

In the case of the dry choice, the same quantity gives us 177 mg.

7. The onion

The onion has many properties such as its antibacterial capacity, but also because it offers a good dose of trace elements and minerals (among which we find calcium).

A serving of 100 grams of onion provides us with 20 mg of this nutrient. In addition, this vegetable that can not be missed at home regulates the functions of the stomach, stimulates the appetite and is diuretic.

8. The chickpeas

They can be eaten in different ways: cooked, mashed, salad. 100 grams of chickpea is 134 mg of calcium.

However, once boiled, this amount is reduced by almost half.

Keep in mind that they also provide oxalates and filaments that can hinder calcium absorption.

9. Watercress

This rich green vegetable not only has 20% of the recommended amount of calcium per day for an adult, but also offers several other minerals: sulfur, iodine, iron, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.

Do not hesitate to consume watercress in salads.

10. Aromatic herbs

Not only do they add flavor and aroma to our meals, they are also the richest calcium foods available.

The basil , sage, oregano, thyme and rosemary can provide between 1,000 and 2,300 mg of calcium per 100 grams.

Of course, we do not consume such quantities in the same kitchen. Therefore, we must supplement it with other foods rich in this nutrient.

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