Relieve Sore Throat With Essential Oils

The sore throat ... here is something really restrictive, which does not always require to go to the doctor. There are indeed natural remedies that can help you get rid of these tingling so unpleasant. You can especially turn to essential oils.

The sore throat ... here is something really restrictive, which does not always require to go to the doctor. There are indeed natural remedies that can help you get rid of these tingling so unpleasant. You can especially turn to essential oils.

Which essential oil can cure a sore throat ? What synergy to use for quick relief? Why are essential oils going to be effective? Bio in the first responds. Let us give you some tips to quickly relieve a sore throat with essential oils.

Ouch ... sore throat, it's painful

Let's face it, sore throat is uncomfortable, nagging, and sometimes difficult to treat. There are natural solutions that will help you say goodbye to this winter sickness. The condition is above all to listen to your body before this sore throat becomes a real problem. Do not let a little sore throat hang around that seems harmless! On the contrary, by listening to your body and your pains, you will be able to quickly relieve your throat. Especially since 70% of sore throats are of viral origin

Again, essential oils can be very effective, provided they are well chosen and meet the dosage to the letter. We remind you that essential oils are strongly discouraged for children and pregnant women, and it is better to seek the advice of a professional before embarking on this adventure alone. Essential oils are indeed very powerful , do not forget it!

Discover the properties of Tea Tree Essential Oil

As you can see, the Tea Tree is without a doubt the ideal essential oil to fight a sore throat. Indeed, it has a formidable power of action thanks to its antiseptic, immunostimulant and anti-inflammatory properties. The essential oil of tea tree contains indeed mono terpenes: they are antibacterial and antiviral components that act effectively and quickly against the viruses responsible for sore throat. In addition, its anti-inflammatory property is very useful in the case of sore throat since it will calm the irritated mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. It is for all these reasons that the essential oil of Tea Tree is particularly useful for treating a sore throat. But be careful, it is imperative to take it orally.

Stop a sore throat with tea tree essential oil

To quickly treat a sore throat that starts, you need tea tree essential oil, and honey. Just add a drop of tea tree essential oil (or Tea Tree) to a tablespoon of honey (preferably organic). Swallow gently, three times a day maximum. Your throat will be quickly softened and you will have much less pain within 48 hours. However, if the condition persists, you should visit a doctor to make sure it is not a bacterial angina that requires antibiotics.

For further

If the formula we have proposed to you is not enough to stop a sore throat and you have no feveryou can use a more complete synergy, with laurel essential oil, clove essential oil and peppermint essential oil. You should also have vegetable oil of apricot kernels (if you do not have one, olive oil or cooking oil can do the trick). You will use 40 milliliters of vegetable oil, add 25 drops of essential oils of Laurel Noble, 10 drops of clove essential oil, and 15 drops of Peppermint HE. Then, in a tablespoon of honey, you add three drops of this mixture. You can do it three times a day for four days. The ideal is to gargle before swallowing, the effect will be radical. This gargle is quickly soothing. However, if you can not stand the taste,

Why is it effective? Well because this synergy is composed of an essential analgesic and antiviral oil (Peppermint), an anti-infectious and anti-inflammatory HE (Clove) and an expectorant and antibacterial essential oil (Laurier Noble)

Essential oils can be your allies to quickly relieve a sore throat. We remind you that it is about aromatherapy advice, and that they do not prevail the opinion of a doctor or a pharmacist. If in doubt, consult a specialist immediately!

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